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“The ritualistic form treats the human being not as the source of the dramatic action, but as a somewhat depersonalized element in a dramatic whole. The intent of such depersonalization is not the deconstruction of the individual; on the contrary, it enlarges him beyond the personal dimension and frees him from the specializations and confines of personality. He becomes part of a dynamic whole which, like all such creative relationships, in turn, endow its parts with a measure of its larger meaning. »
Maya Deren, in An anagram of ideas on art, form and film©-Delphine-Coindet-copie-1300x731.jpg

Photo: Delphine Coindet

Artistic direction & concept Marie-Caroline Hominal
Choreography Marie-Caroline Hominal with the collaboration of Chiara Gallerani, Jasna Layes Vinovrški & Pauline Wassermann
Dancer Marie-Caroline Hominal, Chiara Gallerani, Jasna Layes Vinovrški & Pauline Wassermann
Set design Delphine Coindet
Music Clive Jenkins
Masques Didier Civil
Costume MCH Spirit
Light Christophe Bollondi, Delphine Coindet, MCH
Technical direction Christophe Bollondi
Administration Stéphane Noël
Production MadMoiselle MCH Association-Genève
In coproduction with adc / association pour la danse contemporaine (Genève), tanzhaus nrw (Düsseldorf), Europäisches Zentrum der Kunst Hellerau (Dresde), El Graner & El Mercat de les Flors (Barcelone) dans le cadre de Modul Dance.! Théâtre de l’Arsenic (Lausanne), Open Latitudes (Lille).
PRAIRIE. Modèle de co-production du Pour-cent culturel Migros en faveur des compagnies chorégraphiques innovantes suisses.
With the support of  Ville de Genève, Romande, Pro Helvetia – Fondation suisse pour la culture, Fédération des coopératives Migros – Zurich, Modul Dance & le programme culturel de l’Union Européenne.
Marie-Caroline Hominal est lauréate d’une bourse chorégraphique de la SSA – Société suisse des auteurs pour cette création.

Creation 20 nov. 2013 Théâtre de l’ADC-Geneva

20 nov.-1st dec. 2013 Théâtre de l’ADC-Geneva
18 feb. 2014 CDC Toulouse (FR)
1st march 2014 Züri Moves Zürich (CH)
13+14/17+18 nov. 2014 CND Paris (FR)
29 nov. 2014 Tabacka Kultur Center-Kosice (SLO)
26-29 march 2015 Arsenic – Lausanne (CH)©-Clive-Jenkins-copie-1300x867.jpg

Photo: Clive Jenkins©-Louise-Roy-copie-1300x867.jpg

Photo: Louise Roy©-Peter-R.-Fiebig-copie-1300x861.jpg

Photo: Peter R. Fiebig