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Hominal / Xaba

Hominal / Xaba

Second work of the series Hominal / xxx

”They weave a text on a reflective stage. In this fragile dialogue that only hangs by a thread, two women perform a choreography of appropriated cultures, online tutorials, and patterns reproduced by machines. The performance is a textile manifesto. Two choreographers, one South-African, the other Swiss, measure up to each other, and the suits they create on stage are both funny and fearsome.” Arnaud Robert

Hominal/xxx is a series of collaborative works around the notion of authorship. All the pieces have the name of their authors. Questioning appropriation, transformation and sources of creativity those series are also pretext for unexpected collaborations. For the second piece of the series, MCH invites the South African choreographer and performer Nelisiwe Xaba;  Hominal / Xaba.

Concept Marie-Caroline Hominal
Choreography, performance & scenography Marie-Caroline Hominal and Nelisiwe Xaba
Assistant Sophie Ammann
Music Vincent Bertholet
Technical director Jean-Pierre Potvliège
Graphic design Candida Merwe
Production MadMoiselle MCH association – Genève
Coproduction La Bâtie – Festival de Genève, Kaserne – Basel
With the support of Théâtre Vidy – Lausanne

31 August-05 Sept. 2019 La Bâtie Festival – Geneva (CH)
11 and 14th Sept. 2019 Kaserne – Basel (CH)
8-9 Oct. 2019 Théâtre Vidy – Lausanne (CH)
31 March & 1st April 2020 (Cancelledprogramme commun, Théâtre Vidy – Lausanne (CH)
4 April 2020 (Postponedfestival Legs, La Raffinerie – Bruxelles (BE)
28+29 May 2020 (PostponedRencontres Chorégraphiques Internationales, Théâtre Berthelot – Montreuil (FR)
29 & 30 May 2021 Rencontres Chorégraphiques Internationales, MC93 – Bobigny (FR)
3 June 2021 festival Legs, La Raffinerie – Bruxelles (BE)
30+31 August 2022 Jomba! festival – Durban (ZAF)
2 September 2022 Carfax – Johannesburg (ZAF)
4+5 September 2022 UCT Hidding Hall – Cape Town (ZAF)
14 Sept. 2024 Festival Quartiers Danses – Montreal (CAN)
11-13 March 2025 Théâtre Vidy – Lausanne (CH)©-Isabelle-Meister-1300x865.jpg

Photo: Isabelle Meiser

Photo: Isabelle Meiser