Hominal / Öhrn
First work of the series Hominal / xxx
« Marie-Caroline Hominal, choreographer, dancer and performer, inverts the relationship between the choreographer and the interpreter. The person she has chosen to direct her is Markus Öhrn, a visionary figure within the European arts scene, whose shows vehemently denounce the control that Western patriarchy has over beings and bodies. As the author of the production, Hominal voluntarily places herself under the authority of the director, Öhrn. » Eric Vautrin
« My grandmother will come back to us here in Lausanne, and this time she will be free to do whatever she wants, without any stupid patriarch or religion telling her how she should be or behave, she can follow her desires and be whoever she want to be. » Markus Öhrn

Photo: Margot Montigny
Concept Marie-Caroline Hominal
Staging Markus Öhrn
Technical direction, sound and graphism Damiano Bagli
Masks Tilda Lovell
Organ Arno Waschk
With Marie-Caroline Hominal, Markus Öhrn
Production MadMoiselle MCH association – Geneva, Théâtre Vidy-Lausanne
Coproduction TU – Théâtre de l’Usine – Geneva
With the support of MadMoiselle MCH is supported by the City of Geneva, the Canton of Geneva and Pro Helvetia, Swiss foundation for culture
Creation 14th March 2018 at Théâtre Vidy-Lausanne (CH) – Festival Programme Commun
14 to 25 March 2018 Théâtre Vidy – Lausanne (CH)
12 to 18 April 2018 Théâtre de l’Usine – Geneva (CH)
4 July 2018 Festival Baltoscandal – Rakvere (EST)
2-3 October 2018 Festival Actoral – Marseille (FR)
23-25 October 2018 CCS – Paris (FR)
3-4 November 2018 Moving in November festival, Kiasma theater – Helsinki (FIN)
20-21 Sept. 2019 festival Bastard, Rosendal Teater – Trondheim (NO)
8-10 April 2025 Théâtre Vidy – Lausanne (CH)

Photo: Margot Montigny