» The Literature on the walls spoke eloquently of forty beautiful girls and the dreamy music of Lonny Killula and his Melodic Hawaiins. I climbed one flight of echoing stairs to a booth and bought a ticket. Inside were the forty women, lined against the opposite wall, sleek in tight evening dresses, most of them blondes. Nobody was dancing, not a soul. » extract of John Fante, Ask the Dust

© Lukas Beyeler
Artistic direction, Concept, Choreography Marie-Caroline Hominal
Created and performed with Ivan Blagacjevic, Marie-Caroline Hominal, Teresa Vittucci
Original Music & orchestration of existing music Clive Jenkins
Light Eric Wurtz
Set design Marie-Caroline Hominal
Costume Séverine Besson
Construction set design Victor Roy
Technical direction Pierre Montessuit
Administration Tutu Production-Genève
Production MadMoiselle MCH Association-Genève
In coproduction with adc / association pour la danse contemporaine (Genève), Théâtre de Vidy (Lausanne), Tanzhaus (Zürich) Residencies VIADANSE Centre chorégraphique national de Franche-Comté Belfort, Tanzhaus Zürich, adc Genève
With the support of Ville de Genève, Loterie Romande, Pro Helvetia Fondation Suisse pour la Culture, Migros pourcent culturel, Stadt Zürich Kultur, Fonds de dotation Porosus, Fondation Leenaards, Fondation Ernst Göhner, Stanley Thomas Johnson, Fondation Suisse des Artistes Interprètes, de la Corodis.
Premiered 20 May. 2016 Théâtre de Vidy-Lausanne
20 May.-29 May. 2016 Théâtre de Vidy-Lausanne (CH)
08-09 June 2016 Rencontres chorégraphiques internationales de Seine-St.-Denis (FR)
30 Sept. + 1st + 2 Oct. 2016 Tanzhaus-Zürich (CH)
2 Nov.- 12 Nov. 2016 Théâtre de l’ADC-Geneva (CH)
23+24 March 2017 Kaserne-Basel (CH)
22 Sept 2017 Dampfzentrale – Bern (CH)

Photo: Gregory Batardon

Photo: Gregory Batardon

Photo: Gregory Batardon